Want to learn how to write children’s books?

Have you got a children’s story you want to tell? Would you like to have the opportunity to try your hand at writing for young people? Maybe you’d like to discover if this is the kind of writing for you. Then why not enrol on my new online course? (My courses in France are currently suspended due to house repairs). You may be a beginner or have some writing experience or even be already published and looking for a new challenge.

Online Courses

Crafting the Story Workshop Course 

I’m now running a writing for children workshop course developing work in progress – picture books, middle grade or young adult. The small course (maximum 12 participants) will run for 8 weeks through weekly 2 hour Zoom workshops (Thursday from 7 – 9pm). Each session we share three pieces of writing from participants and everyone is encouraged to feedback, before I bring reactions together and offer my own thoughts. The emphasis is on concise and constructive criticism in a friendly and supportive environment. I believe that honing critical acumen is an important aspect of developing as a writer  – as is having the opportunity to share your work with fellow writers. Also included is a one-to-one tutorial for each participant when they most need it. The next course will run from Thursday 7 March.


alandurant58@gmail.com for more details. The cost is £150. 

“The course was incredibly helpful, full of brilliant writing exercises, techniques, discussion, tutoring, positivity and invaluably constructive “

Writing Courses in Crecy-en-Ponthieu, Picardy, France

For over ten years now I have run an annual residential course on writing for children in my house in the small rural French town of Crecy in Picardie (an hour’s drive from Calais).

Based on the Arvon model, the course offers participants the opportunity to write and share ideas, and to explore techniques involved in writing a range of fiction for children of different ages – picture books, middle grade and young adult fiction – with one to one tutorials, group workshops and discussions, and plenty of writing time, all in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All of this and delicious food and wine 

The price is just £485 and includes free travel between Ashford International Station and Crecy, shared accommodation, all meals and drinks and tutorials. There’s an amazing open fire too. 

What participants have said about the course:

“The situation of the house in a small French country village was in an ideal setting for inspiration.”

“Alan was the perfect tutor. He wouldn’t butcher your work nor would he praise it if it wasn’t worth it. He made apparent the gaps and flaws, made you ask question about your narrative structure and character development.”

“I enjoyed the atmosphere, the people, that the champagne went all over the floor, that people walked around in their pyjamas!”

For more details and to book any of these courses please contact me

I also run picture book workshops in London for The Guardian and Penguin Random House.